Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heat Wave!!!

I've lived in San Francisco for long enough now to not even THINK of leaving the house without a jacket - or two. And the idea of eating outdoors after about 2 pm is pretty laughable. Well - not this week! Last night we had an inkling of the heat to come when we went up to the roof deck at 7 pm to grill dinner and actually stayed up there. We even ate dinner up there - with no jackets!!! Here is a picture of Dessie hoping to get some sausage.

Today's temperture was a record - 96 degrees farenheit in San Francisco! I can't remember being this uncomfortably warm in the city in the 14 years I've lived here. By 4:30 pm Mark, Dessie and I had had it with the stifling air in our place so we went to the beach to cool off. Here are some pics!

Dessie doesn't really like swimming at Crissy Field - something about the beach scares her a little, but today she was very brave and went in many times to get her tennis ball. She actually had to swim for this one - and got it eventually.

We're hoping it cools off a little tomorrow. If not, then we'll be back at the beach!


Deni said...

looks like Dessie likes to swim. I have taken Remmy swimming and he loves it, but I have never taken Max. I guess I'm worried about taking 2 dogs.

katie said...

Love the new pix! I can't believe it finally decided to get warm in San Fran! I love the photo of Dessie hoping to get sausage...classic!