We're back in San Francisco after a great vacation in the snow. I can't believe how good Dessie is in the car - she just sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. I wish I could do that!
Since we got home Dessie has been sleeping in all her favorite spots in the house. The couch, the spot between the couch and the window, her new dog bed with bolsters, the old dog bed with a hole in the bottom, under my desk, under Mark's desk and upstairs in the bed. She seemed to need to test each spot out to make sure it was still comfy. I would have thought after 12 hours in the car she'd be bouncing off the walls but I guess she was tired from the holiday.
Today we took her to Stern Grove where she was pretty mellow but got to do a lot of sniffing and running around in circles. I forgot that my new phone takes really good photos - will try to remember that in the future!
One funny story from Salt Lake -
One day my mom decided to put some left over ice cubes in the dogs bowls. Her dogs didn't think much of it - just ignored them. Dessie thought that was about the strangest thing she'd ever seen, and fished the ice cubes out one at a time and put them on the carpet. She got very excited about it - she must have thought we had put them in the water for her to retrieve. I thought it was hysterical. My mom thought it was messy.... It was impossible to photograph so you'll just have to imagine it.
And here are some more pictures from the snowy school field.